As I walk this path of sound and soul,
I am continually reminded of the profound truth that vibration is the greatest healer.
Judi Cranston
Are you wanting to walk in your truth in a deeper way?
Do you want to feel really connected to the reason that you’re here?

I welcome you to my world — where the dance of vibration, sound, and soul, weave together, creating miracles and fostering positive change that resonates far beyond ourselves.
We know there’s more than the world that we’re living, there is MORE; but we can’t quite figure out the leap from our normal life to our soul purpose life. Our life has got so busy and crowded, it can be hard to find that voice of soul that informs you of your purpose.
If you are ready to embody YOUR reason for being, and BE the voice of your soul, you’re in the right place. Let me show you how to find stillness in a busy world.
When we have the ability the find the stillness, whenever we need it, no matter what is happening around us, we can be centred and follow our soul’s voice.
Sound & Energy Therapy
Harmonize Mind, Body, and Spirit through Sound & Energy Therapy
Esoteric Hypnotherapy
Step away from What’s Holding You Back and Experience Healing and Transformation at Your Deepest Level, the Level of Your Soul
Be still… have you always wanted to know what your soul is saying – let me show you how to connect into your inner wisdom in the moment.
My Music
Be still … and listen as my soul speaks to yours. What can you hear? What do you need to know today?

Like to learn more?

What people are saying:
I can’t thank you enough for sharing with me that beautiful song. Words simply can’t describe the feeling listening to that.
Your heart, your gift so aligned with your soul and in service to a much bigger truth.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love and Gratitiude –
Aesha Kennedy / Align & Shine® Human Design Coach
“My Soul Speaks” 10 March 2022
Walk in Beauty, walk in Peace.
Walk in Spirit, walk in Gentleness
Walk in Nature, walk in Love.
Walk in Being Me
Receive, Give…Allow and Live
Walk in the Prescence of All That Is
I’ll be me, and you be you
Walk in silence….walk in truth